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A coffee farmer’s view - Burundi during the pandemic
Coffee farmers in Burundi deal with uncertainty every day. Weather conditions, cyclical harvest yields, government regulations, even their f
May 1, 2020

Grateful now, thankful then
As we all adjust our calendars to the new decade, I want to take a few moments to reflect on the past year.
There are so many people to be
Jan 2, 2020

Smaller harvest yields better quality
While this year’s harvest was only 35 percent of last year’s, it had little impact on the high-end specialty coffee market. The small yield
Dec 2, 2019

Up for the challenge – the journey from coffee farm to cup
First flowering of future 2020 harvest! It takes a lot of on-the-ground savvy to bring award-winning coffees to market, and I’m pleased to a
Sep 23, 2019

Coffee is a personal journey
Back from a three-week trip to Burundi, I am glad to be back in the U.S. with news to share from the first harvest. Yield is significantly s
Jun 19, 2019

Gratitude and more great things to come
If I hadn’t realized it before, the impact was crystal clear at the Specialty Coffee Association Expo in Boston. We are all members of a cof
May 3, 2019

Partnerships make a difference
JNP Coffee creates economic opportunities for women (and some men) in Burundi through the specialty coffees they grow. You can experience so
Mar 28, 2019

Quality matters, every day, everywhere
It’s no secret that JNP Coffee strives to achieve the highest quality in everything we do. Quality makes more things possible and can even t
Feb 11, 2019

Thankful for our blessings
As this year winds to a close, we take the time to be grateful for our blessings. But JNP Coffee is truly thankful year-round for our relati
Dec 9, 2018

Together We Can empower women coffee farmers & families
When you buy coffee grown by women in Burundi, there’s a double impact. Yes, they receive a premium for delivering the highest quality cherr
Sep 28, 2018

Post-harvest preparations and CoffeeTalk
The 2018 harvest in Burundi is complete. The raised beds are bare and the cherries have left the farms. The green coffee is packed in contai
Aug 23, 2018

Training & Education, Goats & Groups
In response to the question, “What kind of help do you need?” women in the Burundi chapter of IWCA asked for goats. The U.S-based non-profit
Aug 1, 2018

Quality worth grading – and cupping in Amsterdam
The 2018 harvest is ready and we are cupping samples. Much big news for JNP Coffee this month – for starters, we have a Certified Q grader o
Jun 15, 2018

Our Burundi Coffee at Nordstrom Starting in May
I am thrilled to announce that Karehe coffee sourced through JNP Coffee became available at Nordstrom department stores across the United St
May 15, 2018

Cupping Across Time Zones, Connecting with New Markets
In the span of one month, I will have cupped in Rwanda, Burundi and Seattle! Come taste delicious Burundi coffees from the current harvest a
Apr 13, 2018

All the Difference in the World
I am delighted to share the news that coffee sourced through JNP Coffee is now available through several retailers on both the East and West
Feb 26, 2018

Judging a Barista Throwdown
As both a producer and importer of specialty coffee, I’ve seen my share of baristas in action. But last month, I had the opportunity to witn
Dec 12, 2017

Burundi Coffee Hot Topic at New York Coffee Festival
New York City has high-octane energy levels on an ordinary day, but for three days in mid-October, the city had an extra buzz at the New Yor
Oct 23, 2017

Celebrate #NationalCoffeeDay all month with Burundi microlot support for women farmers
It was a good harvest this year in Burundi. Women farmers in several regions have produced a superior quality crop of coffee beans. You and
Sep 8, 2017

Different travelers united by coffee love
I just led a group trip to Burundi with eight people from across the United States – different life stages, different companies and differen
Jun 5, 2017
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